Let Our Attorneys Investigate
Trust Our Attorneys To Find Out What Happened To Your Loved One
When you put your loved one in assisted living, you reasonably believed that he or she would be taken care of. We’ve worked with many families in Mobile and beyond who are reeling because that trust was betrayed. At Braswell Murphy, LLC, we investigate negligent facilities every day. Here’s what you can expect from an assisted living abuse attorney at our firm:
How We Investigate
We review medical records: One of the assisted living facility’s jobs is to make sure each resident’s medical needs are met. That includes making sure they’re taking all of their medications as prescribed and helping them get to their medical appointments. We’ll review medical records looking for discrepancies or missing information, which could reveal abuse or neglect.
We also look at financial records: The most common form of elder abuse in Alabama and nationwide is actually financial exploitation. We’ll look for signs of double-billing, billing for services not rendered and other signs of financial abuse. Financial records could also contain clues that point to other forms of abuse or neglect.
We investigate hiring, training, supervision and retention: Assisted living facilities in Alabama tend to have high staff turnover and a large percentage of inexperienced, entry-level staff. That’s not a problem if the facility does its due diligence during the hiring process and properly trains and supervises each employee. Too many assisted living facilities cut corners on the personnel side. They hire people without background checks or put inexperienced staff on the floor with minimal training or supervision. When that happens, the risk of abuse or neglect goes way up.
We talk to witnesses and cross-reference their stories: Finding information in an assisted living facility can be difficult because some residents may have trouble with memory or communication. That creates a layer of confusion that protects negligent facilities. Our attorneys know how to cut through that confusion and find out what actually happened to your loved one.